Diplomatic Corps of Arizona Donate

Our Members Represent Countries Spanning the Globe


Configuration A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

Active Members

Be an Honorary or Career Consular Officer Appointed by a Foreign Government to Arizona and be in possession of a valid Consular ID Card issued by the US Department of State Office of Protocol in Washington, DC. Approval by a majority vote of the membership and payment of initiation and annual dues is also required.

Screwdriver A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

Emeritus Members

Former Honorary or Career Consular Officers having served in Arizona granted honorary status by nomination of an active member and a majority vote of the membership. To maintain status, payment of annual dues is required. These members are eligible for official plates under current MVD regulations.

Pay your membership dues here:

Select the type of membership

A 3% transaction fee will be added for all online payments received.